I am obsessed with thoughts – Solutions – Suggestion

I am obsessed with thoughts - Solutions - Suggestion

Do thoughts scare you? Does it worry you that Thoughts take over you? We would not have any problems if the living things came to the world empty and empty, but what we live and what we live will have a lot of meaning for us. As a result of this, we are either happy, unhappy or trying to balance in some way. But sometimes we think that we succumb to thoughts. Everything is coming on top of each other and we seem to be unable to handle it, we become prisoners of our thoughts as if they are eating us up. Tiny problems turn into very big problems and we start to worry about everything in the future as well as the past. Here are some solutions available to get rid of them;

The best mirror of our thoughts is the flow of our lives.

Friedrich Nietzsche

1-I will get the money for the things I do!

Dude, you have so many things to expect, I’m sure you don’t even realize it. You can expect things from your family, you can expect from the person you love, even from the lessons you read, even from the book you read. When we do something, we do it in a cause-and-effect relationship, I get very good grades for studying, I have to treat me very well because I treat my girlfriends very well, and I need to see value because I care about people and so on. Unfortunately, we will continue to harm ourselves as long as we put every situation into an expectation, as long as we are captive of our thoughts and expectations. People don’t give us promises, they act like they go through them, they share their good or bad ideas. We take these thoughts and personalize them constantly. We’re looking for a reason under every act we’ve done, why did he treat me badly? Why did he do me a favor? we are almost paranoid. So do you really need these? Do you have to pay for it when you do something? Shouldn’t we just live life? Shouldn’t we accept the good and the bad? Do you really need to finish yourself? You want freedom? Enjoy the moment, be happy for studying, be happy for doing good to a person, read that book, but not to learn anything, to live that moment. You are not a company, you are not a living entity in the past. You’re the one who deserves to be happy, so get rid of the cause-effect relationship and live your moment, man. So do you really need these? Do you have to pay for it when you do something? Shouldn’t we just live life? Shouldn’t we accept the good and the bad? Do you really need to finish yourself? You want freedom? Enjoy the moment, be happy for studying, be happy for doing good to a person, read that book, but not to learn anything, to live that moment. You are not a company, you are not a living entity in the past. You’re the one who deserves to be happy, so get rid of the cause-effect relationship and live your moment, man. So do you really need these? Do you have to pay for it when you do something? Shouldn’t we just live life? Shouldn’t we accept the good and the bad? Do you really need to finish yourself? You want freedom? Enjoy the moment, be happy for studying, be happy for doing good to a person, read that book, but not to learn anything, to live that moment. You are not a company, you are not a living entity in the past. You’re the one who deserves to be happy, so get rid of the cause-effect relationship and live your moment, man. Looking for freedom? Enjoy the moment, be happy for studying, be happy for doing good to a person, read that book, but not to learn anything, to live that moment. You are not a company, you are not a living entity in the past. You’re the one who deserves to be happy, so get rid of the cause-effect relationship and live your moment, man. Looking for freedom? Enjoy the moment, be happy for studying, be happy for doing good to a person, read that book, but not to learn anything, to live that moment. You are not a company, you are not a living entity in the past. You’re the one who deserves to be happy, so get rid of the cause-effect relationship and live your moment, man.


2- I have to solve my problems!

We need to solve our problems, right? If we save them after all, it will cause more problems. So why are you breaking away from life? Your friends call you out, you don’t want to go. Your kids want to play with you, not now. Your wife, your girlfriend wants to spend time with you, but you don’t. You have a beautiful project in mind, maybe you’ll become a millionaire, but you’re getting tired of doing it because you’re obsessed with your problems, even problems you’re not experiencing. You need to get rid of this. Think about a problem you have at work, think about a problem you have at home, so don’t bring your problems with you. You lose the purpose of life, my friend is beautiful as you live, and thinking about those problems all day makes you not enjoying your life. As life is temporary, problems and even happiness are temporary, you should be aware of this. Our brain loves innovation, and if you get stuck in one problem, you’ll damage both your brain and your body. Luckily this isn’t addictive like cigarettes or harmful substances, but if you realize that the solution is very simple, mate staying stuck somewhere.


3- You are worried but how important is it?

What are babies obsessed with? You can eat and change the gold. So what’s a cancer patient obsessed with? Not to be defeated in his life war. So what do you care about? Your exams? Material? The state of the country? Family problems? Self-confidence problems? Death? Or is it much simpler? So what do you get when you worry about this? 1. You are wasting your time 2- You are wasting energy 3- You are walking away from the people around you 4- You are harming yourself and so on. Are you aware of this? You’re probably not. We are so used to it now that everything is obsessed, questioning and thinking is a very good thing, but you do not need to be the work of the end of thoughts, or especially trivial things.

So what do you care about? (I worry about everything)

Are you worried about exams? Then study? You don’t want to work, you don’t know what to work with, you’re busy preparing a program, you come up with more and more thoughts, you make excuses for not wanting normal things, and then you get low on the exam and you worry about it. You’ve been living the same cycle over and over again. If you do things you don’t want, you have to study that lesson, you can have yourself a good life as a result of sacrifices, it will make it much easier. Put important things in your head, friends, try to be good people, try to follow the rules of etiquette, unpredictable and unpaid work. Why don’t I go down and get depressed because I got low from the exam, why I can’t work, why I can’t make a lot of money, and don’t think why nobody likes me. Develop yourself, increase your general culture, learn languages, so live for yourself. The most important thing in life is power, and communication is very important in gaining strength. Improve your communication. You want something to worry about, put this on me. Please don’t worry about the things you would say when I looked back years later and said, “I’m sorry about how unnecessary things are.” Work hard, be successful.


4- I will never fall in love again

One of my favorite sentences is “I will never fall in love again, my faith in love is over.” Really? Does it make sense to make such decisions that will affect your entire future because of what you’ve been through? How old are you 20 or 25? Let’s say 20, I’m ignoring the first 12 years. We have a light ball like 8 years. Let’s say you’ve had a boyfriend for eight years, and you broke up, somehow it’s over. First of all, I must say that the 8 years you have experienced good or bad things, memories you have gained together, the pain you have lived together, the events you laughed together make you do not try to delete them. Now, if we say that human life is 80 years on average, your relationship lasted 8 years, ie 1/10. Is it worth it? Is it worth throwing the remaining 9/10? Is it worth getting away from people? The rest of the 9/10 because of the things you’ve been through. why should u ignore it? You may be abandoned, you may be abandoned, you may have lost one of your family, really bad things may have happened to you, but please don’t forget that what you’re living is your life, man. If you turn yourself off, you become a prisoner of your thoughts. We were born alone, we will die alone. Please don’t worry about the things you’re obsessed with, learn from the things you’ve been through and let the rest flow.


5- Don’t let your thoughts lead you (we get rid of the idea that I’m obsessed with everything)

Does your mind say that your mind is going to be alone, upset, losing if you don’t do something? He’s keeping things you’ve never been through? Are you looking at things that haven’t happened yet? Thinking about your biggest fears and stretching yourself? So why? Because it will. Because he treats me bad. Because if I don’t like him more, he’il leave me. Come on, man, don’t. Life for others and this includes the mind of others. Your thoughts are not real. Do the things that go through you, even do the things you fear, confront your fears so that you increase your self-confidence. When you confront one thought, don’t try to fire him, accept him as if someone is talking to you, pretend that someone else’s thoughts are good. Then take the lesson you need to get out of there and move on. But please don’t think about things you’re afraid of, things you’re gonna lose, things you shouldn’t do. Don’t hurt to prove your love, don’t hurt anyone if you’re abandoned, and if a relative dies, you don’t die with him.

Don’t be scared, if you live scared, you’il just watch life.

Friedrich Nietzsche


If you’re wondering if people are using you, click here to access our article, Material and Spiritual Fraud.

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